sairam friends,
There are few beautiful experiences which i got by divine grace of Saint Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha, the first avatar of Lord Dattatreya. Shree Guru was truely mangificient in this avatar and has done many divine leelas.
Please note that Shree paadha is mostly spelt as Sripada sri vallabha and also SriPad Shri Vallabh. I write Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha as it is closer to the way the divine name must be pronounced.
Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha Pooja :
It was a auspicious evening of 14 :03:2009, when both sankata hara chaturthi and Chitirai nakshatra ( chitta star ) came on the same day. So i was really inspired by our Sai to do abishekam to lord Ganesha, Shirdi Sai baba and Dattatreya singing the glory of Saint Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha.

Saint Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha Pooja every month during Chitta Star ( Chitirai nakshatram )
Holy bath with Honey and Viboothi :
I suddenly felt like doing holy bath for the God and since i dont have a statue of shree paadha shree vallabha , i remembered shree paadha and did abishekam for our sweet Sai and Shree Guru Dattatreya. We offered holy bath with Honey and sacred ash viboothi to the God.
Chanting Lord Shiva mantra and Mahalakshmi Ashtothram :
I was also chanting Lord shiva mantra few times after reciting Datta Stavam . I really had a wonderful vision of Ma Mahalakshmi devi. She is truely a goddess of mercy. So to thank Mahalskhmi ma for her Darshan when i closed my eyes, i started reciting Mahalakshmi ashtothram.
Lord Surya and Shree Guru Datta Blessings :
Since my mother belives in Surya Namaskar, i have made few months back and now am happy to have Lord Surya face as a statue as i can do holy bath, apply kumkum to him to my hearts content.
Truely it was a sai leela that this morning my sai friend punetha and i went to get lamps , we got 10 lamps in bronze/brass and was looking at other statues. I really loved the Lord Surya Face and got it. I thought its like a wall hang but being devoted to Lord Surya, i washed it with tumeric powder, applied kumkum over it and felt the glow and vibration in it. You know the beauty of doing abishekam to Lord Surya was enormous.
We kept the Lord Surya’s face along with Lord Dattatreya and did all holy bath.
I was singing “Dhigambara Dhigambara shree paadha vallabha Dhigambara” all the time. Then sang ” aum sai namo namaha, shree sai namo namaha”. Finally we finished the pooja by reciting “Skandha Guru Kavasam” of Lord Murugan .
I really love Skandha Guru Kavasam.
Auspicious shree paadha shree vallabha pooja in Chitirai nakshatra :
Every month watch for traditional calender when the Citta star – Chitirai nakshatra comes and offer pooja remembering Saint Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha. Shree Paadha was born on a Holy Ganesha chaturti day, so i really felt happy for doing pooja remembering shree paadha to Lord Ganesha and Datta.
Halva Offering to Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha :
My mother had been to my birth place Thirunelveli and got some halva. Since i learnt that Shree Paadha is pleased with Halva offering, i offered it to Shree Guru and showed arti singing “Dhigambara Dhigambara Shree Paadha Vallabha Dhigambara ”
Realize your Love for Shree Guru :
Theres more to write, all i request is the readers must not misunderstand the reason i am writing such messages when i do pooja. This is not to be proud that i did pooja. Infact what i do are very childish expression of devotion. There are spiritual and divine people who do pooja , rituals and read mantra in a better way.
The reason i write is to help everyone realize their own love for the Guru of their choice. I wish it is Shree Guru Datta Avatar shree paaadha, shirdi Sai , Swami Samartha, Narasinha saraswathi and few other holy saints.
Sai Saraswathi, bless me to write about Shree Paadha Shree Vallabha in the days to come.
Shree Guru Datta
Jai Guru Datta
C.Venkat Raman
16 : 03 :2009